

Farming and military service are more closely linked that one might think. Thousands of U.S. service men and women leave the rural communities and farms they call home in order to serve America in the military. Upon completion of their service, they often return home to resume work on the family farm.


Veterans possess the unique skills and character needed to create strong agricultural communities, and food production offers purpose, opportunity, and physical and psychological benefits to those veterans. Conversely, hundreds of veterans with no agriculture background who, upon returning from service, see opportunity in farming and decide to embark on a new career path in agriculture. Farming and growing techniques embrace advanced Controlled Environment Agriculture technologies that not only save energy, but also maximize the use of land while significantly improving quality and productivity.

ACTS Freedom Farms of America offers an excellent opportunity for veterans to use their unique skills, discipline, teamwork, passion, and sense of service to positively influence their resident micro-farm community while creating a successful live-work environment for themselves and their families.

